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Sunday, September 03, 2017

The Sinagogue

On the Trail of the 9-11 terrorists

Question: What about a friend who is so ruthless and cunning that he has a policy directed at harming you?
9-11 was a simple game orchestrated by our fidus Achates [barabas] through a series of deceptive tactics conducted by thugs, bombers, opportunists and useful idiots.  The SWAMP as an entity did not orchestrate 9-11 but criminal elements within the said SWAMP did play key roles in carrying out the attacks and covering it up afterwards.

The said SWAMP tried to tell graduates the tall tale of 911, when they should have told the lie to savages only.
 Our ruthless and cunning amigo along with several disciples from the "synagogue of the devil" carried out the plot  with bombings and video compositing (CGI).  Absolutely no plane was hijacked by any Arab on 9-11.  It was clever 'bombing work'  by the disciples whose work is not highlighted by the SWAMP because of the secrets they have for the said SWAMP.
You think aliens, Saddam Hussein, North Korea and Iran are our problems, well think again, corrupt and worthless American criminals are our problems.  Therefore corrupt American criminals are the ones to keep an-eye-on.

The SWAMP should have been cleaned out, not re-stocked.  Talking about our best friend!  That talk is stupidity or criminality?  Had the senior terrorists conducted a quick investigation and did not oppose the idea that the buildings were bombed, the people would not know that they are the terrorists masterminds.  Question: When we going to stop living the lies off the A-rabs? 

Have you heard of stairway B?  When the next chapter of the synagogue is written the following sentence will be present:  " And we were at the end of our rope when the savior stretched forth his hand and caught us.  He cuddled and delivered us to safety." Whilimena

Remember the JFK scam was done by the religonists.
Oswald was not shot by Ruby.  He was killed in the car and burried in a steel cased mold.
Then Ruby who had that secret, was injected with cancer virus by the medical witch from the conspiracy,