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Sunday, February 15, 2004


Who is a criminal?

In the old days, a criminal was generally a person who committed a crime.

Today, the criminal is like Rubix Cube - he may be the lawmaker, the judge, the prosecutor, the police or even your neighborhood pastor. Today's political hoods are accused of almost everything - from rigging elections, bribery, theft and even mass murder. What a calamity!

This phenomenon makes investigating crime an inordinate task. The citizen does not know if the authority to which he is reporting the crime, is a component of the Team that created the said crime. In fact, in some enclaves, the citizen who reports a crime to the Department places himself at risk.

Today one cannot identify a good character solely based on where one lives, or the suit he wears.

One certainly cannot identify an honest man solely because of his profession - a cobbler may have a more impeccable reputation than a king.

Though 'we' claim 101 per cent complaisance to our tribal leaders - honestly now; if we were looking for an individual to be a role model to our children, we would hardly select the politician.

The 21st century is different from the old days in terms of selecting a police officer. Gone are the days when all a man needed was the right height and weight.

The recruiter for officers must insist on quality candidates, and not the guys who seek to serve the Department because there were no other jobs available. The recruiter should never hire someone who insists he is interested in law enforcement 'as a last resort'.

We all claim to be very smart; and we are, depending on the party to whom we speak. The question that the Departments of police should answer is this: 'Why is there an increase in crime in spite of the sophistication developed by security forces over the years?'

And folks - please do not allow the political slicks to tell you that they will increase penalty - a seasoned scam. That is after the criminal has done you harm. Insist on crime prevention strategies. Don't be fooled!